Tag: Announcements

  • TFnet hosts a new blog.

    I just finished setting up the first blog I am hosting on my site for someone other than myself. Brad has expressed interest in the blogging concept after I explained to him what it is. Although he is not the first person I have offered to host a blog for, he is the first one…

  • A small website addition.

    Here is something I did but forgot to post a news update about. I updated my website with a Writings section. On that page you will be able to find the tutorials and essays I have written. Maybe in the future I will expend the materials on that section to other writings. For example, every…

  • Short but Sweet!

    Because I am using the more tag in my entries, to limit the amount of text displayed on the initial page view, my home page is having a lot of blank space. To solve this problem I am using a Perl script to display quotes as filler for the white space. The script reads quotes…

  • Blog Update!

    I have made number of changed to my blog, and I have alos added some more plug ins. I have added blogtimes. A plug in which show at what time, in a period of twenty four hours, entries where made in the last thirty days. After the times are acquired the plug in generates a…

  • Site and Blog additions.

    In the last few days I have been messing around with the code and different hacks/plug-ins for WordPress. Some of the things I have added to the blog are print post option. It can be seen on the right at the end of every entry. I have also added a poll and search word highlighting.…