Apple, AirPort Network Devices, and WiFi Mesh Networking
Wi-Fi mesh routers are the “new” hottest set of tech gadgets to have. Wi-Fi mesh networks allow for multiple access point in the same structure, e.g. your house, to provide proper Wi-Fi network coverage, eliminating low signal or dead zones. What really captured my attention was the Google Wi-Fi mesh routers. They are beautiful and…
SNOOZ: Sound. Sleep.
I was on the Snooz Kickstarter page today, revisiting the project’s details and timeline progress. The device, which is a white noise generating machine, recently became available for pre-order. Snooz is meant to be an alternative to having a TV or a stationary fan running at bedtime. In my case, I bought it for my wife so we can…
Validate Email Address [JavaScript]
The following is a quick and dirty way to validate form input, using JavaScript, from a user to confirm that they are entering a value, which could be interpreted as an email address. The function below is meant to quickly and simply ensure that the value provided by the user contains the at ‘@’ symbol and a…
Sub-domain vs sub-directory
Lately I have been seeing the terms sub-domain and sub-directory being used interchangeably in the context of hosting, but even though the former can point to the latter, they are not the same. A sub-directory is a file storage location/association in the hierarchy of the file system. A sub-domain is an address locator, which in…
iOS 9.0 Mail fix for Google Mail
Using iOS 9.0.1 and the native Mail app, downloading mail from Google mail stops working after about a week. The message the system displays is that it is not able to connect to imap.google.com server, and to check the password. Turning off and then on mail for the account does not resolve the problem. Neither…
Another day done
Another day done.Going home. Train moving.Watching the world go by.
Function: checkboxLimiter [JavaScript]
The checkboxLimiter function will disable all checkboxes, which share common value for the name attribute after the user has checked a pre-set number of them. The limit number is set in the function source to avoid inconsistency if adding the onChange function call inline of the page source. This does not matter if you are using event…
Messing with WordPress SPAM Bots
If you have a WordPress based blog, or otherwise use WordPress as a CMS for your website, you are either getting a lot of bad user accounts being created or noticing a lot of knocking on your wp-login.php page. WordPress has a nice feature which allows you to install WordPress in a directory other than…
Balloon Flowers of 2014
We have Balloon Flowers (platycodon grandiflorus) in a half barrow pot. They are one of my favorite flowers that we have around the house. Simply because of how the flower forms. It starts as a small ball, which slowly grows into the shape of a hot air balloon, and once it opens it looks like…
Backyard Garden – May 28th, 2014
The weather is finally “stabilizing” to where the temperature is more consistent and higher, like it should be for this time of the year. Also it is not raining every single day, or hailing, like it has in the last few weeks. So now the flowers are starting to come out and they look really…