Do Address All of My Questions … In the Same Reply, Please!
Multi-point messages: messages which might address multiple points or ask more than one question in the same body of text. I am positive that people do not lack in their mental capacity! So, why is it that they are incapable of reading an email message in its entirety? Even if they actually read everything, why…
Extraterrestrials and Us. Homo Sapiens are screwed
I watched Skyline couple of nights ago, again. A great film, by the way! As I was watching it I realized who screwed we, Homo Sapiens, are as a species. We are screwed, because we fancy ourselves as being intelligent and smart, yet we do not really have any form of a viable defense against any extra terrestrial invasion. Just think about it – if an alien…
Humongous snowflakes
I have NEVER seen such big snowflakes. They are the size of tree leaves. They are big enough to box with them!
The great Google / TitanFusion.net experiment
I have decided to conduct an experiment on my website TitanFusion.net. A very involved experiment. I am going to see how many aspects TitanFusion.net: email, blogs, sub-sites, files, feeds, exc. can be hosted and served by Google services, be they independent or part of Google Apps. I have already been using Google Apps Mail and Feedburner…
RIP Steve Jobs 1955 – 2011
Steve Jobs passed away today at age 56. He was born on February 24, 1955. It really sucks. It is discouraging, but we have a lot to remember him by. Thank you Steve for changing our lives, for making them better.
Open my ears? That is dangerous!
Here is another golden statement from my son. Today, on the way to my wife’s parents, Alexandar was making lots of noise in the car with his milk cup by banking it agains his seat. After Amanda counted him out she took his cup, at which point he started to cry and complain. I told…
Son: I’m not picking up this … I will have to wash my hands!
It is nice to see how one’s child is developing and how new thought processes are emerging. My son, Alexandar, last night demonstrated forward thinking and logic. My son did not have dinner with us last night, because he ate not too long before the rest of us had dinner. So, during dinner he was…
sh: uncompress: command not found
If you are uncompressing a program from a .bin file and you are working with a freshly installed Linux distro, you might receive the following error – sh: uncompress: command not found. This error might be a result of either the gunzip program is not installed on your system, or a proper link association with…
Women’s bras – the latest trend in cell phone carriers.
The woman’s bra, by definition is a clothing item used to provide support for her breasts. But, in many cases it serves secondary purpose as a “storage compartment”! You know … like the pocket on your pants. Over the years I have seen women use their bras to store money, notes, business cards. Lately, though,…