Month: July 2024

  • How to fix Nest temperature sensors when stop following zone schedule?

    In my house we have a Nest thermostat with three zone sensors. Because the thermostat is in a hallway, which hardly gets any traffic and thus not representative of the temperature in the rest of the house, we opted out to place sensors in the rooms which are most utilized. The sensors make both the…

  • Sony NEX-5 does not record audio when filming

    I recently bought an external microphone for my Sony NEX-5R. More specifically, the ECM-SST1 microphone with a proprietary connection! When I first connected it, and tested with it there was no audio with the video clips. I thought that I might have received a defective unit, so, I tested with internal microphones. Same situation. It…

  • Sorry – not sorry

    Today is July 4th, a holiday in the USA, and a day off for many people who live here. I was shopping at a big box store this morning and at checkout the person ahead of me told the cashier – I am sorry you have to work today. If that was a sincere pity,…