How to fix msvcp110.dll and msvcr110.dll error in Steam games?

The msvcp110.dll and msvcr110.dll files are part of the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package for programs build in Visual Studio 2012. This package comes as two separate installers – one for 32-bit systems and one for 64-bit systems. In most cases Steam is supposed to check and install or prompt to install these packages, but re-installing games on the same system does not seem to trigger this process.

In my case, I had re-installed Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth. When I tried to start the game in Steam a program launch is indicated but then exists. There are not messages produced neither from Steam nor from the game. Steam simply hides any system error messages after launch. The only way I was able to figure out what the issue was was by navigating to the install directory and launching the game outside of Steam. Doing so produced missing file errors indicating that the msvcp110.dll and msvcr110.dll files were not found.

You can manually launch a game if you know where Steam installed it, or by clicking on the “Manage” cog icon on the game page in Steam, then from the drop-down menu select Manage > Browse Local Files. This will open the installation directory in Windows File Explorer from which you can start the game executable.

Before downloading the redistribution package, you should try to determine if the installed game version is 32-bit or 64-bit. In my case, my operating system is Windows 11, a 64-bit system, but Steam installes a 32-bit version of Civilization: Beyond Earth. So, installing the 64-bit package did not resolve my missing files issue. I had to install the 32-bit version.


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