Year: 2009

  • Christmas Presents – business cards

    Yesterday we celebrated Christmas. It was at our house and it was great. It was just us, the kids and Amanda‘s parents, aunt and uncle. The food was great, so was the company and the time we spend together. I received an awesome present – my first ever business cards. What made them awesome was…

  • My XBOX 360 is kaput!

    My XBOX 360 is kaput! It’s at the point where it won’t even turn on. Well, it does, but it immediately powers off everything but the Red Ring of Death (RRoD). It sucks. I have been having some issue with the Xbox for some time know. Recently I wrote about how I was experiencing some…

  • Now available in Bulgarian.

    As a Bulgarian I’m always excited when I see “[…] available in Bulgarian.” or simply a link titled “Bulgarian” linking to a Bulgarian version of whatever site I am on. Today, one of these sites I came across was There are many Bulgarian communities around the world. To my knowledge the largest one is…

  • This morning I was awakened by a warm, s…

    This morning I was awakened by a warm, soft pair of feet on the side of my face … intentionally. When I opened my eyes I saw my son just laying perpendicular to me, looking at me. I guess he was up for the day. 🙂

  • Being sanitary. … I guess that’s the end of that.

    Yesterday I was at the toilet at work. A coworker came in, did his business in one of the stalls and simply walked out. No washing hand or at the least pretend to do so, like some of my other co-worker. Yes, I can tell the difference. When you turn on and off the water…

  • Firefox and DNS prefetching

    Firefox and DNS prefetching – I read about this being a feature in Google Chrome, but I wasn’t sure if it was, yet, a feature of Firefox. It is in Ff 3.5. Here you can find a list of the new features in Firefox 3.5. What is DNS prefetching? – It is the process of…

  • Verizon rep – being a long time customer is definitely important, but….

    I just got off the phone with a Verizon Wireless representative. I was inquiring about upgrading my phone and what kind of deal they could offer me. I had to revert back to a 5 year old phone due to a recent mishap with the mobile phone I was actively using. The deal they could…

  • The finger plus camera equals douchebaggery.

    This morning I came across this picture of Francisco Dao (founder of, at the TechCrunch August Capital Party, giving the finger to the camera. There used to be a time when I found this to be funny. I used to do it myself a lot. I guess it was a comical way to show…

  • Fireworks! Oh no, not again!

    The idiot morons in my neighborhood are already starting with the fireworks. WTF?! It’s only July 1st! There are 3 days left before I have to endure the random and unnecessary thumping of fireworks. Which, the previously mentions idiots, last year were setting off randomly throughout the night for a month after July 4th. When…

  • GE Calls For More Exports from the US

    On the way to work this Friday morning I was listening to NPR. They broadcasted an interview conducted by host Renee Montagne with General Electric’s CEO Jeffrey Immelt. Mr. Immelt spoke at an economic forum in Montreal earlier in June. He is asking for the United States to increase its exports, especially in areas where…