Adventure games.


Last night, in the quick chat, on Abandonia someone said “This site should be renamed “dedicated to adventure games”.”. My response to this was “That’s what games used to be back in the day. Now they are all about is this shiny enough? Yes! Can we make it cheep and sell it quick. Yes. Then f**k quality.”.

Yes, games used to be all adventure. I love playing the old quest games. Today’s games are all about “pushing” the limits of the hardware, but when it comes to console gaming, this concept is just a “concept”. Unlike PCs, consoles cannot be upgraded, unlike PCs, you can’t swap the hard drive, CPU or video cad for a bigger, better, faster model. With consoles you cannot use your favorite brand of hardware. You are STUCK with whatever is the cheapest and decent peace of hardware that the manufacturer can throw in the case. There are adventure games, and there are few that are great, and there are some, which are awesome – BioShock, Half-Life and Half-Life 2.

To conclude I will simply quote something I read long time ago, but I am not going to bother looking for who the heck said it or where it was published. It went something like this: “Console gaming is retarding games and staling the rapid advancements in hardware.” To paraphrase this, back in the day hardware like CPU and VGU were constantly in the development process, because PC gamers demanded more and more power. But in today’s gaming world, the console has the majority stake in gaming, it is used by people who could care less about more power, and because there are 5 to 7 years between releases of new generation consoles, hardware manufacturers are not “pushed” to develop new, better and faster components as fast. Game developers are forced to retard graphics and functionality of games just to make them compatible with today’s console variation.

I am sticking to PC gaming, when possible!!

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