FireFox Adventures Begin.

I decided every once in a while to write about my experience with the FireFox browser. The FireFox Adventures category will hold my entries about the browser. The same entries will be made in the blog I am provided with on the Spread FireFox website. So, without any further a due, here is my first entire about my adventures in the world of FireFox. BTW – WoW this sounds so geeky. Hehehe, here is the intro:

I have been using FireFox for a long wile now. I first tried it on Linux, Red Hat’s version 9. Knowing how long it has been since Red Hat 9 was released and since then it has turned into the Fedora Project should only tell you that it was the time when FireFox was still known as FireBird. I first tried it after I read on its specs page I did have to install it on my Linux box, I could run it from a CD. Those of you who use Linux know that installing programs on Linux can some times be not only tricky but a messy process, also. FireBird seemed like the perfect alternative to using the Mozilla browser, no need to install updates and manage user rights and profiles. I had burned the application onto a CD and I could start it from any Linux machine, all I had to do is put the CD in the CD-ROM drive and start it from there. Specking of which, I might still have that CD laying around somewhere. 😮

Since its FireBird times FireFox has come a long way. It has become a flexible and reliable browser. Mature enough to be a major competitor among many. I am pleased to see it gaining speed and still preserving its original values of encouraging security on people’s computers and on the Internet. To add to the above it also presents an environment for open and creative thinking for new ideas and solutions through its Extensions features.

I have decided to maintain a blog on the Spread FireFox web site about my work with the browser. I will talk about my daily work with it, how and for what I use it. Most of all, I will probably write more about any problems I might have with it. So far I have had some DNS issues, unrecognized plug-ins, random crashes when executing scripts and Extensions failures. I have few in mind I want to write about, but more about that in the upcoming entries.

I will mirror the entries of this blog on my personal blog at

P.S. Nostalgic and somewhat wishful thinking – I would like to see the browser or some parallel version of it to be able to run from a CD again.

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