Tag: WordPress

  • Happy Birthday Matt

    Happy birthday to my fellow Texan Matt Mullenweg. It is thanks to Matt and his inquisitive nature that I started blogging on Titan Fusion 20 years ago using the wonderful WordPress. Thanks Matt, happy birthday, and to many more!

  • Recovering from “There has been a critical error on your website” error!

    TitanFusion experienced the dreadful “There has been a critical error on your website” error after an automatic WordPress update failed to install version 6.4. Not good, because the day that happened, I was traveling. I did not know it had happened until next morning. There is no easy way to get this fixed, because it…

  • WordPress Cache-Control Headers

    You might see in your WordPress Site Health report that your site is not using Cache-Control headers. You can find this under the page cache test on the Site Health page. Usually this is a result of not having an activated plug-in for managing page cache. I have also seen this being blamed on Apache’s…

  • Connect WordPress to Azure MySQL DB using a secure connection.

    A quick description on how to connect your WordPress instance to an Azure MySQL instance using secure connection.

  • Messing with WordPress SPAM Bots

    If you have a WordPress based blog, or otherwise use WordPress as a CMS for your website, you are either getting a lot of bad user accounts being created or noticing a lot of knocking on your wp-login.php page. WordPress has a nice feature which allows you to install WordPress in a directory other than…

  • How to protect wp-login.php using .htaccess and .htpasswd?

    If you own or maintain a WordPress based web site you might or might not be aware that the wp-login.php page in your root directory, and the wp-admin directory are under constant attacks by malicious bots. This tutorial will show you how to password protect the wp-login.php file through the use of .htaccess and .htpasswd.…

  • Now available in Bulgarian.

    As a Bulgarian I’m always excited when I see “[…] available in Bulgarian.” or simply a link titled “Bulgarian” linking to a Bulgarian version of whatever site I am on. Today, one of these sites I came across was WordPress.org. There are many Bulgarian communities around the world. To my knowledge the largest one is…

  • 3000MB does not equal 3GB

    I find it so annoying when companies and individuals, who are in the technology business or are technically inclined, incorrectly calculate storage space. For example WordPress founding member Matt Mullenweg, in his “Free Space to Three Gigabytes” post states that the free space on WordPress.com will be increased to 3,000 MB, yet the title states that…

  • Web design and standards. Key word standards!!

    I am working on a new project with my brother and his publishing company. One of my tasks is to set up a new site for his company. One thing I am really, and I mean really, good is modifying things. Be they digital or physical, I can take something and turn it into something…

  • WordPress plugins – why not share them.

    The WordPress community is vast. WordPress is one of the major blog CMS on the Internet. I very much enjoy browsing the Web and whenever I come across a blog, I find interesting, I tend to check, or at leased attempt to, what plugins are used on the blog. Anyone, who is familiar with the…